HoneySelect Wide Slider (v0.8.3) Change the limit of the custom slider to -100 to 200 (from 0 to 100). If the value is within 0 to 100, it is compatible with the official version. If the value is less than 0 or more than 100, the position/rotation/scale is calculated as the following formula. * value < 0 x = min_x - (max_x - min_x) * abs(value / 100) * value > 100 x = max_x + (max_x - min_x) * ((value - 100) / 100) Savend character data (which has the value out of the default range) cannot be loaded without using this mod. Thus, DO NOT SHARE the created character data using the official uploader. [History] -0.8.3 Support Battle Arena (2017/5/19 DLC). -0.8.2 Fixed bug: Male character slider value does not applied in Main Game H-Scene and first time you load in Studio, in HoneySelect Party. Fixed bug: Female character hight value is reset in Main Game H-scene in HoneySelect Party. -0.8.1 Fixed bug: Bust weight/softness paramter was clipped on load in Party/NEO. -0.8.0 Support new HoneySelect DLC 2017/04/28, HoneySelect Party, HoneyStudio Neo. Fixed bug on voice pitch parameter. Now voice pitch parameter does not reset clipped when you load a character in character custom scene. Improved performance in (old) HoneyStudio. -0.7.1 Embedded Mono.Cecil.dll into the *_WideSliderPatch.exe to avoid compatibility issue of the Mono.Cecil.dll -0.7.0 Turn rotation limit off if the parameter is only affects the rotation. For example, the rotation caused by "Breast size" is limited (because the paramter also affects the size), However, the rotation caused by "Eye roll z-axis" is not limited (because the parameter only changes the rotation). Fixed calculation logic for rotation (value < 0 or value > 100). In case when the calculated value crosses 360 degree. -0.6.1 Fixed calculation logic for Bust (breast) weight and softness, to avoid breast gritch in case when breast size < 0 or breast softness < 0. For both cases, treat the softness as 0 (as the are not affected by gravity). -0.6.0 Added Bust weight, soft support (thanks to @cyberbeing at HF forum post #59). Added workaround logic for float<->int calculation (also thanks to @cyberbeing at HF forum post #61). -0.5.1 Fixed calculation logic bug when slider value is less than -100 or more than 200. Limits the rotation to default max, since without so, some parts rotete 360 degree. -0.5.0 Fixed in game H-scene scale problem. The scale is reset to 0.8 - 1.0 (slider 0 to 100) by H-animation, even if you applied other values. Added slider limit command line option. --slidermin=<value> --slidermax=<value> e.g. by passing "--slidermin=-200 --slidermax=300" will change the slider range to -200 to 300. The same formula is applied to calculate the value. -0.4.0 Added VoicePitch modification. By default voice pitch is 0.94 - 1.06. With this mod, the scale changed to 0.82 - 1.18. Adding command line option "--pitchrate=<float>" to HoneySelect_xx.exe will increase the range. e.g. "--pitchrate=2" means the value 0.70 - 1.30. -0.3.1 Fixed a bug in Studio - when "Change" a character with other character, height (scale) is wrongly kept as old character. -0.3.0 Added additional patch for the Studio version, that to avoid to reset the scale when H-Animation applied to char. Override all contents and Run HoneyStudio_xx_WideSliderPatch.exe. -0.2.0 Fixed bug that Color Picker slider range was also changed unintentionally. Includeded Studio version files. [Install] Copy files into the directory. Run "HoneySelect_64_WideSliderPatch.exe" or "HoneySelect_32_WideSliderPatch.exe". (or HoneyStudio_xxx as well) Once you run the "HoneySelect_xx_WideSliderPatch.exe", the patched assembly(dll) is created in the HoneySelect_xx_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll with the backup file Assembly-CSharp.dll.Original. After that the mod is activated even if you run the normal "HoneySelect_xx.exe". [Uninstall] In the "HoneySelect_xx_Data/Managed/" directory, delete "Assembly-CSharp.dll" and replace it by the Assembly-CSharp.dll.Original file. [Note] Other Mod with a Patcher (IPA.exe or HoneyVR mod) will work with this Patcher. If you do so, run the "HoneySelect_xx_WideSliderPatch.exe" only once, then run the Patcher.exe of the other mod. [Note for Trial/ VR / VR_Vive version] If you rename the .exe and the "_Data" directory of this mod (e.g. HoneySelect -> HoneySelectTrial), this mod will work with those versions. [No Warranty] THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. |