Cum on down to the peaceful Bukkake Ranch, a good old farm out and away from all the commotion and hubbub of the town, a place where you can relax and enjoy a quiet life with your four elementals: the salamander girl, Sara, the slime girl, Myil, the kobold, Korin, and the harpy, Papy. Life is good on the farm when you don’t have to worry about heroes running around and getting themselves killed by some Demon Queen who decided to take over the land. Besides, her rule’s no worse than the last King who decided to run the country, and none of that matters to a simple farmer like yourself. That is, until she shows up your front lawn, blasting your fence to pieces and trampling your crops as her army marches to see you. But what does she want with you? She wants you to create the Slut’s Stone–a legendary item that she hopes will finally give her big breasts. Well, shucks. Have sex with the elementals or watch the Demon Queen burn your ranch to ashes? Nope, not a hard decision to make there – especially not when all the girls seem excited about it. Looks like you’ll be enjoying a few rolls in the hay before harvesting this year. Better get to work! You’ve got hard days ahead, and those girls aren’t going to pop out a Slut’s Stone by themselves!
Sistema Operativo: | Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32/64 Bits) |
Procesador: | +2.50 GHz |
Gráficos: | +512 Mb. |
Memoria RAM: | +2 Gb. |
Disco Duro: | +1 Gb. |

Servidores de descarga disponibles: One Drive, Dropbox, Mediafire, Mega, 4Shared.
Nota: descomprimes y juegas.